© Books and Books
Bogie is a legend. There’s nobody better than him in the business.
Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Goldfinch

Paul has earned my admiration and trust. His advocacy on behalf of my written work has been instrumental to the success of my books in North America. You would be wise to seek his counsel.
© Xavier Gonzalez

© Jay Godwin
Thirty years ago, Paul Bogaards, then a young publicist, was assigned to make my book Means of Ascent known to readers. From that day to the opening of my archives at the New-York Historical Society, Paul has taken the responsibility of getting my books and ideas before the public, and he has done it with a real gift, a rare talent, for that work.
Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Master of the Senate

I worked with Paul Bogaards for thirty-two years, ever since he helped make The Remains of the Day my breakthrough title in the U.S. He shape-shifts adeptly as the situation demands: a master strategist, a reassuring friend when things grow baffling or alarming, a diplomat, a decisive leader amidst confusion, a raiser of drooping spirits, a bawler out of slow-movers. He’s massively wise about the book industry. ‘Bogie’ has talent.
Winner of the Nobel Prize
© Andrew Testa

Paul provided me with valuable guidance as a fledgling author and now, more than twenty years later, I consider him a good friend and one of the most brilliant minds in publishing. He has always put a spotlight on my work and helped me flourish as a writer. The creative ideas from Paul are endless and so well thought out. I always embrace his guidance.
Best-selling author and host of Lidia’s Kitchen

I came to Knopf with a book that couldn't be neatly categorized as one genre or another, and that at least one other house had passed on because my sales record for my previous novels was so weak. That book was Station Eleven, and Paul’s thoughtful PR strategy was absolutely integral to the book’s success. He’s a pleasure to work with and he knows what he’s doing.
© Sarah Shatz
© Penguin Random House

Paul Bogaards is a hero to authors looking for their audience. He’s a master when it comes to getting books into the hands of readers.

Paul is a magical combination of soul and smarts, wisdom and experience, daring and good sense. I consider it my great good fortune to have him in my corner. He brings with him a wealth of experience, and I trust him implicitly. Well into my writing life, he turned me into a bestselling author with his laser-sharp strategy driven by passion for the work itself.
© Beowulf Sheehan

© Elena Seibert
I am so grateful for Paul’s work and creativity in making immensely special things happen for my debut novel, A Burning. I feel very lucky that his wisdom and energy touched my book.

As a first-time author with Lean In, I so appreciated Paul Bogaards’s deep expertise. Along with decades of knowledge and contacts, he also contributed his boundless enthusiasm, which was a much-appreciated bonus. He helped make the experience a joy.
© Emily Knecht

When people say that Paul Bogaards is a legend in publishing, that legend isn’t built on hype. It’s built on decades of performance, across genres, across demographics. It’s built on his creativity and the relentless drive he brings to everything he does. When I started working with Paul, I was a waitress: totally unknown, I had never published a thing. It felt like Paul created me out of thin air and held my hand every step of the way. He’s an actual magician.

When I first met Paul Bogaards, I was an inexperienced aspiring author with zero name recognition. That didn’t matter to Paul. What mattered was that I delivered a manuscript he loved, and he put his heart and soul into promoting it. When Bad Blood became a bestseller, it was in no small part thanks to Paul and the magic he worked.